Beyawned Earth: Pillownauts and the Downside of Space Travel by Yours Truly

This Saturday, July 20, 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. The feat cemented humankind’s toehold on the final frontier’s doorstep. In the coming year, engineers and scientists are poised to establish a permanently inhabited base on the lunar surface. From this launch pad, cosmic explorers and entrepreneurs hope to dive… Continue reading Beyawned Earth: Pillownauts and the Downside of Space Travel by Yours Truly

Choose Your Challenge by Yours Truly

I am so pleased to announce that Mountain Flyer‘s Issue No. 61 features my in-depth profile on the teens whose lives have cycled from average to amazing thanks to mountain biking. “Choose Your Challenge: Durango Devo’s Winning Formula” trails a wildly popular local 501c3 organization in my community that gets young people ell beyond their… Continue reading Choose Your Challenge by Yours Truly

The Limber Inventor by Yours Truly

How hard could it be to teach yourself to build and program a robotic arm that receives instructions from your thoughts? If you’re a bored sixteen-year-old like Easton LaChappelle, the answer is: sorta not hard at all. Easton grew up rather isolated in Colorado’s Four Corners region–down the road from where I live now. All… Continue reading The Limber Inventor by Yours Truly

Pick Up Sticks by Yours Truly

Can we convince young people to enjoy failure as much as they enjoy play? Can we teach them that the two are inseparable travel-mates on the path to success? “Pick Up Sticks: How One Toy Became a Space-Exploration Robot”—my latest article appearing in the April 2018 issue of Muse—confronts these very questions. Like all scientists,… Continue reading Pick Up Sticks by Yours Truly